
How Are Animals Similar To Humans To Make A Scientific Testing

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Context - Every year, more than than 100 000 monkeys and apes are used for biomedical research effectually the world. Their genetic similarities to humans make them peculiarly suitable candidates for testing the safety of new drugs and for studying infectious diseases or the encephalon. But those very similarities to humans too raise specific ethical questions about their employ for scientific experiments.

Are there alternatives to the utilise of not-human primates in research and testing? Would it be feasible to stop using them birthday?

An assessment past the European Commission Scientific Committees on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER).

  1. Introduction – Overview of the utilize of primates in enquiry and testing in the Eu
  2. Why are primates needed in research and condom testing?
  3. Are there alternatives to the use of primates in inquiry and safe testing?
  4. Could alternatives completely replace the employ of primates in the future?
  5. When primates cannot be replaced, how could their employ be reduced?
  6. How could the welfare of primates used in laboratories be improved?
  7. Conclusions and recommendations

The answers to these questions are a faithful summary of the scientific opinion
produced in 2009 by the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER):
"The need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices"Learn more than...

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1. Introduction – Overview of the use of primates in research and testing in the EU

Effectually 12 million animals are used each year in scientific procedures in the EU, and among these, effectually 10 000 are non-human being primates (NHPs), mainly monkeys and apes. Experiments on such primates have lead to important findings in biology and medicine.

Currently, primates are only used in creature experiments when there are no suitable alternative methods or species. They are mainly used for safety testing of pharmaceutical products and devices, simply likewise for key research in biology and for research and evolution of medical products and devices.

Nearly all primates used in scientific experiments are built-in to animals that are themselves bred in captivity, sometimes for several generations. With some exceptions, research on animals that are bred rather than caught in the wild tends to evangelize more authentic and reliable data. Primates defenseless in the wild are very rarely used in research but are even so needed to avert the adverse furnishings of inbreeding of stocks.

With regard to animal welfare, major investments have been made in contempo years to improve housing conditions of captive primates, taking into consideration their concrete and social needs. More than...

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2. Why are primates needed in enquiry and safety testing?

Only few candidate pharmaceuticals are actually tested on primates
Only few candidate pharmaceuticals are actually tested on primates
Source: Understanding animal research

2.i Before pharmaceuticals reach the consumer, their safety has to exist tested on humans during clinical trials. Preliminary experiments on animals – oftentimes rats and dogs – are intended to protect the health of people taking part in these trials. Just few candidate pharmaceuticals are actually tested on non-human primates (NHPs). Primates are needed to test certain drugs with potential effects on female person genital organs, eyes, nascency outcomes, blood coagulation, or the brain, as they are the only mammals with specific physiological traits similar to humans. More...

2.2 In inquiry on infectious diseases, vaccines and drugs that are developed are typically outset tested on cells grown in the laboratory, then on animals, and finally on humans to check their safety and effectiveness. Primates oftentimes remain the most suitable animal option because their immune system is very similar to that of humans. Primate species are the only ones that tin exist used to develop constructive malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, or HIV vaccines and drugs for humans. Primates may likewise be needed to quickly detect new diseases such as SARS that could spread across the world. More than...

2.three Primates play a unique role in brain enquiry because they are the just animals with brains that approach the complexity of the homo brain. Inquiry on pain and experiments on primates which require entering their skull heighten hard ethical concerns. Some new, not-invasive research techniques are being adult that tin can be used on humans and primates, but of import limitations remain. More...

2.4 Using pig organs for transplantation is a fashion to accost the shortage of organ donors. Withal, the man allowed organisation rejects pig organs strongly. Only sure primate species show a similar allowed response then any creature-testing of drugs to forestall transplant rejection has to be done on these species. More...

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3. Are at that place alternatives to the use of primates in research and safe testing?

Tests are first carried out on cells grown in the laboratory
Tests are kickoff carried out on cells grown in the laboratory
Source: Jean Scheijen

Alternatives to the use of not-human primates (NHPs) in inquiry and testing do exist and can complement but not yet completely replace testing on these primates. Every bit far equally possible, the number of animals used should exist reduced, methodologies should be refined, and the use of animals should be replaced by alternative methods (3Rs principle). More...

iii.1 Because of scientific reasons, testing pharmaceuticals on non-human primates is in certain cases a very small only almost compulsory part of the global testing procedure, particularly for drugs and vaccines that involve the immune organization.

In sure cases, genetically modified rodents could potentially supercede primates. Experiments on humans using extremely low doses of the new pharmaceutical being tested (microdosing) take too been proposed as an culling to creature experimentation, just since prior tests on animals would still be needed to make sure that the pocket-sized dose given is safe, it is non clear whether this would reduce the number of animals used. More than...

3.2 In the search for new drugs and vaccines against HIV, hepatitis C, or malaria, tests are first carried out on cells grown in the laboratory, on mice, or on both. Such tests provide insight into the prison cell mechanisms, only cannot explicate how a whole body would react to the infection. Experiments on non-human primates are therefore still needed. More...

3.three Non-invasive techniques that study the encephalon without entering the skull are very useful and promising to understand healthy and diseased brains. Yet, such techniques are non withal as informative as invasive methods and still need to be farther developed.

Computer modelling is rapidly improving but the human encephalon is so complex that a realistic model is unlikely in the foreseeable future. More...

3.4 Cells grown in the laboratory and rodents can exist used to bear out preliminary enquiry into the use of animal organs for transplantation, merely transplants yet demand to be tested on animals, including primates. More...

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iv. Could alternatives completely supplant the apply of primates in the future?

In the foreseeable future, experimentation on non-human primates (NHPs) is unlikely to exist completely replaced past laboratory methods or by test on other animal species.

For the rubber testing of new pharmaceuticals, primates are also likely to remain the well-nigh suitable mammals.

To study HIV infection, genetically-modified mice will probably exist available in the time to come. However, for scientific reasons, studies using mice cannot completely supplant those using primates.

In research on the brains' structure and part, non-invasive techniques which do not require entering the skull and figurer modelling can be used aslope invasive methods simply cannot supervene upon them completely. However, new techniques and technologies are developing speedily and advances must be assessed frequently.

The development of artificial organs and tissues may reduce the need to use primates to exam drugs that preclude rejection of beast organs (by and large pig organs) by humans. However, these bogus body parts are mainly used in life-support machines and practise not correspond an alternative to animal-to-homo organ transplantation. More...

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5. When primates cannot be replaced, how could their use be reduced?

Careful analysis of the results of tests on rodents could reduce the number of primates neededy
Careful analysis of the results of tests on rodents could reduce the number of primates needed
Source: Agreement brute research

There are several ways to reduce the use of not-human primates (NHPs) in research areas where information technology cannot be avoided birthday:

  • Past analysing more carefully the results of drug rubber experiments carried out showtime on rodents such equally rats and mice, and then on dogs and other non-primate mammals. This could reduce the numbers of primates needed, although it might increment testing on other mammalian species.
  • Past reusing the same non-human primates in different experiments. In that location are regulations to avoid the same animals being continually re-used for experimentation, only overly restricting the re-utilize of primates could increase the overall number needed.
  • By making current animal tests for reproductive toxicity more effective so that fewer primates are needed.
  • By improving communication betwixt facilities that bear out experiments on animals so that they share information, ideas and expertise and avoid duplicating experiments.
  • By encouraging the development of new techniques that may reduce and partly replace the use of non-homo primates in testing of medicines, vaccines, and drugs used in animal-to-human organ transplantation.

In addition, clear data on the species and number of animals used for experimentation besides equally on the types of tests involved should be publicly available. More...

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half dozen. How could the welfare of primates used in laboratories be improved?

New standards of care, treatment and living conditions are needed
New standards of care, treatment and living conditions are needed
Source: Jorge Vicente

In that location are several ways to heighten the welfare of non-homo primates (NHPs) in scientific research.

  • The importance of the physical and mental well-being of primates should exist acknowledged. New standards of care, treatment and living conditions for primates used in research and testing should be adopted as before long as possible.
  • More than inquiry is needed to empathise the impact of hurting and distress on animals and to recognise the signs of suffering.
  • Experiments should be designed so as to minimise pain and discomfort. Testing should not last longer than absolutely necessary and should be stopped early if there is pregnant hurting and distress.
  • The use of 'non-invasive' technologies which practice not crave inbound the body or puncturing the skin, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), should be improved and increasingly used.
  • In the instance of vaccine inquiry, tests should exist stopped at humane limits (endpoints) set beforehand, for instance as soon every bit early symptoms are detected.


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7. Conclusions and recommendations

The Scientific Commission on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) concludes that, because not-human primates (NHPs) take shut and sometimes unique similarities to humans, their utilize remains necessary in the safe testing of new pharmaceuticals and in several areas of biomedical research, such as research on infectious diseases and on the brain.

The SCHER considered only scientific aspects, specifically excluding upstanding, economic, cultural and social considerations which will exist addressed by other groups.

At nowadays, the SCHER sees no valid scientific arguments to stop using non-human primates for scientific research and drug safety testing, merely this position should be frequently reviewed as new alternatives are constantly existence adult.

The SCHER supports the "three Rs" principle of reducing, refining and replacing the utilise of non-human primates in scientific testing and makes a series of recommendations:

  • Not-man primates should exist used only when this is scientifically justified.
  • Tests on cells grown in the laboratory, computer modelling, and improved techniques which do not require inbound the skull should exist encouraged.
  • The replacement of primates past other animal species should be further investigated.
  • Coordination and communication between facilities doing animal testing should be improved to avert duplication of tests, to optimise procedures, and to minimize the numbers of primates used.
  • Whatsoever tests on primates should cause as little hurting and distress as possible, and non last any longer than necessary.
  • Housing and breeding of primates should follow high standards of care, consider their welfare as well as their concrete and mental needs.
  • The apply of primates caught in the wild should be discouraged for both scientific and animal welfare reasons.
  • Research that leads to further replacement, reduction and refinement of the use of primates should exist promoted.



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